
Step into the world of Santa Familia Tequilas, where our dedicated craftsmanship has delivered two premium treasures, each boasting a distinctive flavor profile that promises to captivate and delight.

Añejo Cristalino








Our Process

1. Harvesting

2. Cooking

3. Shredding

4. Fermentation

5. Distillation and Production

6. Aging

7. Final Product

At Santa Familia, we believe in crafting a unique and high-quality tequila, starting with our agave. We carefully select agave that has matured for 6 to 8 years and with 23-28 brix sugar content, harvested just before the rainy season, and trimmed close to the heart to ensure a clean and distinct flavor.

We honor tradition by slowly steam-roasting our agave/piña hearts for 36 to 54 hours in thick-walled brick ovens. This centuries-old technique softens the fibers and transforms the carbohydrates into fermentable sugars while retaining the natural mellow flavors of our carefully grown agave. We combine this “horno cooked agave” with autoclave cooked agave to create a unique and handcrafted tequila blend.

The sugar is extracted from the cooked agave via a shredding machine, known as a ‘molino’ or mill. As the agave fibers pass through the milling heads, the agave is squeezed releasing the sugar-concentrated sweet juice. Then, the fibers are being washed with deionized/reverse osmosis treated water.

The average fermentation requires 48 to 60 hours. Naturally occurring yeast is added to the ‘wort’ or agave juice and ‘beer’ is created, containing an alcohol content of between 5 and 9 percent alcohol. Many mass-produced tequilas are fermented for only 10 to 12 hours.

We take pride in our handcrafted and organic tequila. Our slow distillation process, uses pot stills for approximately 5 hours per pot, creating a crisp, clean, and smooth finish.

Our commitment to unmatched quality continues in the meticulous aging of our handcrafted and organic tequila in American Oak Barrels, a refined process that imparts a rich and distinctive depth.

Finally, the result of our craftsmanship and dedication culminates, capturing the essence of tradition and excellence in every bottle.

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